Club TT Starts Tomorrow

Sep 15, 2024 | SYVCC News

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Great weather last week for riding! I saw lots of the club kits out on the road.

The last club TT of the year starts tomorrow. Good luck to everyone who is participating. We have a change to team 3. Marcos had a conflict. All the other teams are the same.

Team 3

Conor Douglas
John Moisan
Pete Thomsen
Nate Greenwood
Thomas Hauber

For the WNR this week we are going to do the 154 to 154 individual segment. I’ll send out a link on Strava.

Next Saturday the groups are going to do the Amour Bridge to the end of Brinkerhoff Segment, that is the one that you can do with other people.


  • Sept 16th to Sept 29th at 5p 2 segment 2 week TT


  • The club is discussing having a twice a month group MTN bike ride. Look out for details in the coming weeks.





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