Sage Trail Work/Thanksgiving Ride

Nov 20, 2023 | SYVCC News

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Happy Thanksgiving SYVCC

Thanksgiving Ride:

Meet at the Flag Pole in Los Olivos Thanksgiving morning at 9:30a. Ride to the base of Fig or to the Ranger Station and back. This is a yearly valley tradition, everyone is welcome to join the ride. Hope to see you there!


Please join us!
The SYVCC is partnering with Sage Trail Alliance on a special trail work day on Figueroa Mountain.  
Our exact trail is still being selected, but will likely be either White Rock, Munch Canyon, or Davy Brown trails. 
When: Saturday, December 2nd.  8:30 am – 1 pm
Where:  The exact trail is still TBD, but plan to meet at Figueroa Mountain Campground  9007 Figueroa Mountain Rd, Santa Ynez, CA 93460
What: After meeting at 8:30 am, we’ll carpool to the top selected trail and ride/hike down the trail to the sections that need work.  
What to bring:  Wear long pants and sturdy shoes.  Plan to bring all your own water and snacks.  Bring gloves and a bike helmet to work in.   Sage will provide tools and post work drinks, and the SYVCC will have sandwiches.  
Bring your MTB if you’d like to ride down the trail to work points or want to ride on some Fig trails or McKinley once we finish.
RSVP: via the Sage website 
Thanks and we look forward to seeing a good trail crew on the 2nd!




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