Tour De SYV Results

Aug 1, 2023 | SYVCC News

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We had a great Tour De SYV this year. Great club participation and support for the riders. The lead team went back and forth the last couple of weeks. Great job to Team Action Roofing for the Victory! This has become one of the clubs signature events, a big thanks to all the riders. We are going to make these results provisional until Wednesday in case we missed any times, or anyone forgot to upload them. Just shoot Kirk and I a note if we need to update anything or you have any questions . 

Hope to see everyone at the BBQ on Saturday where we will catch up with old friends, and hand out the prizes. See you there.

Club BBQ

  • Saturday Aug 5th 1p-4p At Hans Christian Andersen Park in Solvang. We are trying to get a approximate head count, so shoot me a email if you can make it, or we have a RSVP on our club Strava page as well.
  • All SYVCC members and family/Guests are invited to attend
  • Tour De SYV Prizes and tee shirts for all club members will be handed out.

 The Prizes:

$5 at Cafe Dolce for all participants who complete all 5 stages during July
Top 3 teams – $25 / $15 / $5 at Dr Js per team member
Fastest Prologue Team – $10 at Dr Js per team member
Fastest Climbing Team – $10 at Dr Js per team member
Fastest Climber (M and F) – $20 at Dr Js
Fastest Overall (M and F) –  $25 at Dr Js 

Thank You SYVCC Board




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