Hello SYVCC It’s coming down to the wire for the Tour De SYV. 3 teams are still in the running, and it will be close. You have until tomorrow at 5p to do the segments again or do any you haven’t done yet. Great job to everyone who is participating in the TT. Thank you to our club president Kirk for creating the Google doc, and updating these results. We have updated the club Web Site to help incorporate the rides and have included more up to date information about the club and our activities. See link below https://syvcc.org Provisional TT times Here are the current standing for the Tour De SYV. Provisional Tour de SYV Results Club BBQ - Saturday Aug 5th 1p-4p At Hans Christian Andersen Park in Solvang. We are trying to get a approximate head count, so shoot me a email if you can make it, or we have a RSVP on our club Strava page as well.
- All SYVCC members and family/Guests are invited to attend
- Tour De SYV Prizes and tee shirts for all club members will be handed out.
Thank You