Month: February 2024

SYVCC President Transition

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC  Message From Kirk Nordgren: It's my pleasure to announce that the SYVCC board has unanimously selected Jeff Thomson to be our new board...

Giro d’ SYV Results

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC Thank You to everyone who participated in the Giro d' SYV Time Trial. We had a lot of fun out there, and some amazing results. It was another close TT,...

Giro d’ SYV Mid Point Results

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC Great start to our first TT this year. We had 25 riders out on Saturday for the Fig MTN Segment. Below are the most up to date results. Remember you...

Giro De SYV Teams

View this email in your browser Happy Mothers Day SYVCC See the below teams for the TT that starts next week May 13th-May 27th. Note:  For next weeks Wednesday and Saturday Rides we will be...

Last Call May TT/We need 3 more riders!

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC Looks like a great weekend of weather coming up for riding! Our club analytics department is diligently building the Giro De SYV TT teams.... We need 3...

2nd Clothing order is here/May TT Segments

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC The 2nd clothing order is at DR J's, if you ordered it's ready for pick up. We might have a couple extra Jerseys, reach out to me if you have interest....

Rides/Bike Infrastucture Survey/May TT

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC Looks like a great week of weather coming up. One note on the WNR this week, we will meet at the Draughtsmen in Solvang after the ride for drinks. Please...

SYVCC please try to attend this meeting!

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC  We are excited to inform you about the forward progress of the SYV Regional Connector Trail (formerly known as the SYV River Trail). Santa...

SYVCC Weekly Rides

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC See Below for weekly rides and information on this year's club TT's. Upcoming Club Team TT Our first club Team Time Trial is just around the corner in...

Sunday Fig Ride with Echelon Bike Club

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC Echelon Bike club of Santa Barbara has invited the SYVCC to join them Sunday 9a for a Fig Mountain ride.  See details from Steve, their club rides...


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