Month: February 2024

Weekly Rides

View this email in your browser   Hello SYVCC. Is everyone tired of the rain yet? Next week looks to be a nice week for riding. Hope to see you out there! Look out for a dedicated email on the...

Weekly Rides

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC Looks like a great week of weather coming up . Hope to see you out on the road! See Below for weekly rides and information on this year's club TT's....

Weekly Rides/Save The Date May Club TT

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC See Below for weekly rides and information on this year's club TT's. Upcoming Club Team TT Our first club Team Time Trial is just around the corner in...


View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC See below for current club rides. See you out on the road!   Weekly Rides CLUB RIDES (Standard Rules Apply: helmets required, no head phones in...

SYVCC Weekly Rides

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC. We hope everyone has been able to get out and ride in the amazing weather the last week. I saw lot's of club kits riding around the valley on the...

Last Day to order SYVCC Clothing!

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC The Kit Re-order window closes early on 3-11. A link was sent out to all paid members if they missed the first clothing order in the fall and would like...

Kit Re-Order/The WNR is Back!

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC      The Kit Re-order window closes early on 3-11. A link was sent out to all paid members if they missed the first order and wanted to...

The SYVCC wants you back!

  View this email in your browser  Hello SYVCC   We want you back as a member! We appreciate you being a member in the past, and if you haven't re signed up yet for 2024, please sign up now. We...

The new Kits have arrived!

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC The new Kits have arrived at DR J's for Pick up. If you missed out on the first order, we will be making a 2nd order soon. Look out for email details....

SYVCC Party This Saturday!

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC      Please join fellow SYVCC members and family this Saturday for our first club event of the year. The party is open to all club members...

Club News/Kit Pick Up Party

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC One change to the A ride this week. The route will be out to Sisquoc and back to the SB Road Race. Same start time and location.  See below...

Trash Clean Up Date Moved

View this email in your browser Hello SYVCC It looks like rain this Sunday, so we are moving the road clean up to the next week. Hope to see you there. SYVCC Amour Ranch Road Clean up...


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